How to Measure a Room for Flooring | Dubaivinylflooring

How To Measure Your Room For Flooring Installation?

Floors can alter the entire look of your building, and renovating them following present trends is very important to enhance the functionality and resale value of your residential and commercial areas. When you’re going to purchase new flooring material to renovate your space, you should have precise values for floor dimensions.

Because your entire budget depends upon your flooring material, surface requirements, and service duration. If you have erroneous dimensional values, it will ultimately affect your budget. In this article, Dubai Vinyl Flooring has exposed a complete guide on how to measure a room for flooring installation. By focusing on our valuable step-by-step guide, you will be able to take precise floor measurements smoothly.

Room Measurements For Flooring Installation: A Complete Guide

Taking room measurements is not a difficult practice; it only requires some basic skills and tools. Whether you’re going to install carpet, tiles, wood, or SPC flooring, you can start your DIY project by focusing on our guide. For your convenience, we have enlisted the names of some necessary tools that should be required for taking dimensional values of your room or floor.

Room Measurements For Flooring Installation

Supplies You’ll Need To Measure Room

  • Measuring Tape
  • Calculator
  • Pen To Note Values
  • Paper To Write On

Step 1: Take Room Measurements

Before calculating the dimensions of your floor surface, you should measure the size of your entire room. Take the precise values of the width and length of all adjacent portions of the room with the help of measuring tape. Note down all the values on a piece of paper to avoid any inconvenience. However, you should take measurements in square footage because this scale will provide you with a correct estimation.

Take Room Measurements

Step 2: Convert Values Into Feet

If you take the room measurements in inches, there is no need to worry about this. You should divide each value by 12 to convert inches into feet. By dividing by 12, you will get all values in feet, and it may be in both feet and inches. In the case of inches with feet, you should round off the inches into feet for more precise results.

convert the value into feetStep 3: Take the Square Footage Of the Room

After converting the room’s length and width into feet, you need to calculate the square footage of the room. Because all types of flooring materials, either carpets or tiles, come in square footage, For example, if your room is 7 feet wide and 10 feet long, after multiplying both of these values, you will get 70 square feet of floor area.

Square Footage Of the RoomStep 4: For Random Floor Layouts

If your floor is not properly in square or rectangular, you should separate each floor portion into square or rectangular layouts. By doing this, it will be easy for you to take the area of each portion individually. After taking the area of each square or rectangular floor portion, you need to add all the values of each portion to the cumulative floor area.

For Random Floor LayoutsStep 5: Other Parameters To Consider

While taking floor measurements, if you notice any permanent structure on your floor surface, such as stairs, kitchen islands, or other fixed tables, you should take their measurements. After calculating the areas of these permanent structures, you need to remove their values from the overall floor measurements. In addition, add 10% to the overall flooring area because flooring material requires cutting while fixing.

Final Note!

It is summed up with remarks that taking floor or room measurements requires practical and professional skills in calculations. These paramount skills will help you choose sufficient flooring material for the floor surface. You can save on your extra flooring budget by taking precise room measurements. Dubai Vinyl Flooring has enlisted all the compulsory steps in detail. By considering this step-by-step guide, you can take a successful initiative in your DIY project.

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